Short description

As a contribution to the increased transparency and democratic ownership of images the GO app has been introduced in a very interesting context.

The app was introduced in conjunction with the Occupy movement and while the app was not used much this time (based on uploads and references in social media), this kind of app is changing the way information and transparency is used in society.

It might also have had an indirect impact as policy makers might have been less likely to block/try to stop traditional social media as they can control/track those, but not GO.

This is how the creators describe the app:
“In capturing and sharing global, real-time streams, GO not only provides a streets-eye-view of life as it unfolds but, further, taps into our inherent voyeuristic human curiosity by providing the option for an entirely anonymous user experience.

• Broadcast videos, photos or text from your GPS location instantly.
• View realtime streams of what's happening anywhere in the world.
• "Favorite" a subject or user tag for viewing specific content later on.
• Make yourself known by applying a unique usertag to your posts or choose to remain entirely anonymous.”

Read more about the app here.

The best with the app/supporting initiative

+ The contribution to increased transparency.
+ Open and easy interface.

The weak parts of the app/supporting initiative

- So open that it might lose focus and become part of the information noise rather than helping those without a voice getting one.
- Only possible to share though Twitter/FB. Would be good to be able to share though mail or just to download images (especially as TW/FB does not work in all parts of the world)

What could accelerate this app/supporting initiative into a world changer?

➢ Allowing for categories of tagging that would allow more important messages easy to find.
➢ Ensuring that it can be used behind firewalls and when governments try to shut down and track this kind of use.


How direct is the delivery of the result the app tries to achieve
  • Direct
  • Indirect
  • Inspirational
  • Long shot


It is a tool to get information out, so in that way it delivers. But the value comes from sharing that result in change, and so far this delivery has been indirect.

Transformative approach

How transformative is it
  • A new world
  • A major shift
  • A bit of a shake-up
  • A gentle rocking


The connectivity and possibility to post things anonymous is key for any movement that operate in a system where sanctions take place against free speech.

How much does it encourage collaborations

How much are new networks supported
  • Strong support for global networks?
  • Currently encourages new forms of collaboration
  • Provides interesting opportunities in the future
  • Restricted to a small (expert) group


There are some possibilities under notifications in the app, but it is a difficult balance to allow for anonymous contributions and connect people.

What synergies can be delivered

How well does it also solve other problems/generate solutions
  • It solves everything
  • Several important challenges
  • Some important challenges
  • Only one challenge


Getting images out and creating a stream of real-time images can be helpful in many ways.

Nine billion contribution

How global is it? Is it helping/will it help everyone on the planet
  • Instant global equality
  • Almost global
  • Getting (incrementally) global
  • Not applicable


Needs to be available in more languages and not only depend on Twitter/FB for sharing.

Building on current trends

How well does it use current trends
  • The app is setting new trends by itself
  • Building on multiple trends
  • Effectively building on one trend
  • Not really building on any major trend


Growing digital social networks and increased the demand for unrestricted communication are two significant trends, together with growing tensions in society it is easy to see an explosion of apps like GO.


How fast can it deliver
  • It's already happening
  • In the coming weeks
  • In a year or so
  • In a distant future (hopefully)


It is up and running so it can deliver now.


Does it support transformative transparency
  • Brave new transparency
  • Transparency that is innovative (never seen before)
  • Increased transparency, but nothing innovative
  • No increase in transparency


The new opportunity with real-time coverage done by anyone is really interesting. At the same time the clutter that is a result of a situation when people reflect the commercial mainstream media is quite sad to see. It is clear that something is needed if we are to use the increased transparency for more than narcissism of the saddest “Facebook kind”.

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